Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lets talk about pregnancy, and type one diabetes. 1st Trimester

So I finally got this set up at almost 5 o'clock. Took me so long to get the YouTube channel set up and this blog.. I plan on doing the first vlog tomorrow so be ready!  Hopefully it will be up tomorrow but if not it should be on Friday. :)

As most of you know I am due in October, which puts me at 28 weeks and 5 days today. I am sooo late in the game on this, but better late than never! I want to go over my trimesters and have you stay with me through the weeks ( overdue haha) till the little pumpkin is here!

1st Trimester:

Oh wow. Firstly this was the most unexpected pregnancy, but in the best way. I was told it was not possible for me to ever get pregnant. 
Don't listen to them girls! 
I think if its meant to be it will be. 
When I found out I was so excited. I called all my girlfriends up, I called my sister, then my mother and stepdad Steve..and it just went down the line.
Then the questions came. What do you think it is? Boy or girl? Names? Etc. 
Probably the most happiest moment in my life so far. 
The day I found out I was told I was 8 weeks along. 
As a type 1 diabetic, I had to go see a High Risk Pregnancy doctor right away so we can start tracking this little beans progress with a close eye.
But first! I needed Medicaid. 
This was one of the biggest obstacles (stress wise) I've ever endured. 
I signed up and was given the coverage. 
I went to my usual OBGYN and was told she doesn't handle cases like mine ( Type on diabetics) and that I needed to go somewhere else.
After searching and searching I found the ONLY High Risk OB in the area that dealt with pregnant T1d's.
Only problem.
The woman was extremely mean. She changed my insulin without any reason. 
I was not showing any signs of insulin resistance, and she did it anyway. I fought and fought with her (more like her nurses because I only met her once and for 5 minutes) to change it, before I asked to see another doctor in the practice. 
After weeks and weeks of being sick from the insulin that was making things worse, I got a change in doctors.
 In my 2nd trimester. 

Symptoms of 1st Trimester: 
Not too much honestly.
- only a little tired 
- mood swings of course :) gotta love those cry fests every once in awhile

Thats it! 
In the vlog I will be making, I will touch on this Trimester and the second, then talk about this current week! 

   Molly <3

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