Friday, August 29, 2014

Diabetes video

A lot of people have been asking me if my Diabetes came from the pregnancy. So I decided to make this video :) Give it a watch, thumbs up if you like it, comment and subscribe!

Week 30?! How did I not post this video?!

Hello guys!
HOW did I not post this video?!
I posted this vlog Tuesday! 
Ohhhh classic case of pregnancy brain right here ;) <3 Well here it is now
Thumbs up and subscribe if you like the video :)
-Molly <3

Fall Friday (vlog 2!) IS UP!!!!

Make sure you answer the questions! I would love to hear from you all <3

Fall Fri

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A little happiness for the day

I know a lot of people, myself included, who have had rough days today. But. This little thing was found in my moms bush today. Little nest with a whole lot of love inside. <3 
- Molly

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sick with a cold and pregnant.

Oh wow. I didn't think it would be this bad. I couldn't sleep and my throat feels like someone burned it. I'm so drained today I feel absolutely useless. When I was in my first trimester I did have a, well what seemed like, a perpetual cold. It takes me a really long time to get over them. Months at a time which I can thank to diabetes :) 
My second trimester, I believe I was just getting over one from the first. And I didn't get ANY cold after that. With the exception of the normal pregnant runny and stuffed up nose, I never had anything like this. 
Last night at about 7pm I started to feel a tickle in my throat. There it was. My warning sign. I knew I was getting one. I just thought maybe it wouldn't be as bad. Who was I kidding?! 
This is the WORST I've felt! I honestly thought this would get a little easier. I mean I know there are many discomforts in your third trimester but I was like at least I don't have a cold on top of this. Damn it! I jinxed myself!
I don't even know what to do. I'm uncomfortable from the pregnancy, and now this. Any suggestions? Anyone else have a major cold this close to due day? I'm just really hoping this doesn't linger on through arrival day. Anyone who has experience with this please let me know!

-Molly <3

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Quick update

Fall Friday video was finally posted. I've been sick all day so I will make it a bit more proper of a video then that. It is just the video. No tags no thumbnail. :( promise Monday that will all get done. So sorry all. 

Sick Molly

Friday, August 22, 2014

Fall Fridays

I am so excited.
I know I am not the only one that can't wait for the fall weather, festivities, pumpkins, ghouls and ghosts, zombies,  vampires, scary movies and family and friends to share this all with.
Stay tuned tonight. 
It will be posted before midnight :)

Molly <3

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Doctors visit yesterday.

What.. A... DAY. 
I hate how much I'm complaining about this pregnancy with the aches and pains and lack of sleep. 
So I'm going to try and channel a more positive outlook.
 It is definitely NOT that I'm not excited about the arrival of our little boy.
Because I am. 
But the whole hassle of the doctors office I go to is the problem. 
Lately I feel like its the ENTIRE problem.
But I'm pregnant and emotional so I guess its to be expected  :)
So other than this post I'm really going to try to post more HAPPIER posts. 
Because I'm a pretty positive person and I really don't like feeling down, EVER. 
So I'll just get right into it.

That is the video of yesterday! 
Everything is explained in the video but I'll do a quick overview. 
My appointment was at 1:45pm,  we ( My stepdad and I) did not get out till close to 5pm.
You all might be saying WHAT?! 
Trust me its normal there. No matter what, unless your going for  an ultrasound, takes about 4/5 hrs tops. But never less than 3. 
The reason an ultrasound is faster is because they will NOT do it in the same visit. 
You HAVE to book your ultrasound for another day. 
That is a must. Trust me I've tried to wiggle my way around it.
If you watch any of my other videos you will know the doctor I go to is an hour and a half  away. 
Since I am a Type One Diabetic, I have no choice but to go to this doctor. 
They are the only High Risk OB in my area that accepts Medicaid.
 So, with that they have decided I need to have weekly ultrasounds. 
Which was obvious because of the fact that I am such a high risk case.
Before that, I have not had an ultrasound for 6 weeks. 
The doctor I see, or saw twice, which is the most I've seen a  doctor was trying to tell me I don't need an ultrasound.
He was very condescending in most of everything he was saying to me. 
He was acting like I had no brain and said :
" I don't know if you know this, but Diabetics babies are usually bigger and ultrasounds don't really matter."
Thats why they DO matter because you have to check the growth of the baby more often to see if its growing past the point he should be. 
I said this to him ( nicer of course) and he replied with :
" Well don't you just do your research" 
Like its a bad thing. 
I took such high offense to everything that came out of his mouth.
I know my body very well because of the fact I'm a diabetic and for him not to listen to me was ridiculous. 
He also asked me. 
" Do you really need insulin?"
I wanted to ask, do you really need your face? haha
 Funny now but when it was happening it was not fun. 
I feel like when you go to the doctor your concerns should be listened to and there should be a communication between you and your doctor.
Definitely not one sided. 
Anyway, I have my ultrasound tomorrow!
Get ready for some pictures people. 

<3 Molly 

Mayim Bialik's Myths and Truths about Co-sleeping ( Girls I think this will be my next poll)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Week 29 ( and 3 days) pregnancy update!

 I am officially 29 weeks and 3 days pregnant today!
Yay! I can't believe I am already INTO my 30th week! 

New with baby! :
According to What To Expect
Killian is the size of a small cabbage, weighing about 3lbs, and measuring about 17 inches! 
His eyes can open :)
His brain is building neurons.
Muscles and lungs are continuing to mature
He can taste and respond to pain 
and his milk teeth have developed under the gums! 

New with me! :

Very tired, I feel like I could sleep 4 times a day.
Sorry for the TMI, but painful gas and constipation. Sometimes it makes me nervous because of how sharp the pains are, I seriously think I'm going into labor. 
Overly emotional!
I noticed that just walking., my muscles become very sore and tired. ( as well as making me tired haha)
I definitely keep getting leg cramps and foot cramps. Leg cramps more when I'm waking up from sleeping, but my toes will cramp and random parts of the day.
My back has been hurting. But more of a dull ache. No sharp pains whatsoever there.
Swelling! Legs and feet. :( sometimes they become almost 3 times the size. 
Only things making me sick food wise is Mexican food, which might sound normal but not for me.
Heartburn at the most random times!
Round ligament pain.
Thirsty all the time!

General pressure and also uncomfortable. 
Which I'm sure is normal at this point, I heard it only gets worse from here on out but its all for Killian which definitely makes this all okay :) 

 The video will be posted Tuesday! 

<3 Molly

Happy Sunday!

Hello guys! 
Today is Sunday! Sunday funday is what I like to say! 
I posted a vlog today about some updates and Fall happenings coming up :) 


Tuesday is now a definite on the pregnancy vlog days

Friday is the start of something new!!! I am SOOO excited to do this. 
Fall Friday's is coming to my YouTube channel!
I will be posting crafts, recipes, news and anything else you guys want to see. Let me know in the comments of the videos and on here what you think and like about them, what you want from the videos and please if you like them thumbs up and subscribe to the channel! 

Go watch my video for the fist piece of Fall news :) Pretty exciting set your countdowns guys <3


Friday, August 15, 2014

Molly's Makeup!

Hey guys! 

I just wanted to apologize again for not showing you exactly how I do my makeup, but I promise an actual viewing of me doing it will be posted!
 I hope you all enjoyed the makeup haul video from Thursday! 

 I just posted my pregnancy vlog finally, so if you haven't seen it go check it out! I promise to update the schedule page tomorrow! :) we got hit with a huge storm today, well Friday ( posting late again. Tomorrow doesn't start till I wake up haha) I also think that's why my iMovie was messing up today 

If you enjoyed the videos please thumbs up and subscribe! <3

Molly :)

UPDATES/What happened to the second trimester?

To be honest, the second trimester was my favorite. 
I literally had little to no problems, but I figured I would touch on that in my pregnancy vlog on Tuesday! 
Speaking of vlogs I will be coming out with a schedule, that you'll be able to see on the left under the page that says " Vlog Schedule". 
That will be updated tomorrow or more like today ( posting this super duper late!)
Tomorrow I will post about the makeup haul vlog I made and encorporate pictures! 
Complete with BETTER LIGHTING! :)
Also tomorrow will be the posting of my daily makeup routine. 
So excited! 

Molly <3

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lets talk about pregnancy, and type one diabetes. 1st Trimester

So I finally got this set up at almost 5 o'clock. Took me so long to get the YouTube channel set up and this blog.. I plan on doing the first vlog tomorrow so be ready!  Hopefully it will be up tomorrow but if not it should be on Friday. :)

As most of you know I am due in October, which puts me at 28 weeks and 5 days today. I am sooo late in the game on this, but better late than never! I want to go over my trimesters and have you stay with me through the weeks ( overdue haha) till the little pumpkin is here!

1st Trimester:

Oh wow. Firstly this was the most unexpected pregnancy, but in the best way. I was told it was not possible for me to ever get pregnant. 
Don't listen to them girls! 
I think if its meant to be it will be. 
When I found out I was so excited. I called all my girlfriends up, I called my sister, then my mother and stepdad Steve..and it just went down the line.
Then the questions came. What do you think it is? Boy or girl? Names? Etc. 
Probably the most happiest moment in my life so far. 
The day I found out I was told I was 8 weeks along. 
As a type 1 diabetic, I had to go see a High Risk Pregnancy doctor right away so we can start tracking this little beans progress with a close eye.
But first! I needed Medicaid. 
This was one of the biggest obstacles (stress wise) I've ever endured. 
I signed up and was given the coverage. 
I went to my usual OBGYN and was told she doesn't handle cases like mine ( Type on diabetics) and that I needed to go somewhere else.
After searching and searching I found the ONLY High Risk OB in the area that dealt with pregnant T1d's.
Only problem.
The woman was extremely mean. She changed my insulin without any reason. 
I was not showing any signs of insulin resistance, and she did it anyway. I fought and fought with her (more like her nurses because I only met her once and for 5 minutes) to change it, before I asked to see another doctor in the practice. 
After weeks and weeks of being sick from the insulin that was making things worse, I got a change in doctors.
 In my 2nd trimester. 

Symptoms of 1st Trimester: 
Not too much honestly.
- only a little tired 
- mood swings of course :) gotta love those cry fests every once in awhile

Thats it! 
In the vlog I will be making, I will touch on this Trimester and the second, then talk about this current week! 

   Molly <3