Sunday, October 5, 2014

Long time no post

The time has come, my lovely people. 
What time?
To get glasses!! 
I had such a hectic week of doctors visits and hospital visits that I will try to touch on every single one. 
The first appointment was the eye doctor. 
I will be honest I'm bad, I haven't been to the eye doctor in well over 4 years .......... O.o 
Yeah yeah. I know what your thinking.
Your a diabetic!! What are you thinking?!
I'm thinking I don't like people touching my damn eye balls. 
But. I knew I had to go.
Frequent headaches, squinting AT EVERYTHING, sensitivity to brightness, watery eyes, itchy eyes and of course my nighttime driving was a treat for my husband to be :) 
He's the one that actually brought it to my attention that I was really bad for over a year. 
I breathed deeply and decided to go. 
I think another part of me was afraid they would tell me my diabetes has had a bad effect on my vision, meaning that the reason my sight was bad was from this disease that doesn't already impair so many things. (So much heavy sarcasm)
Luckily, the man said I had the healthiest eyes he's seen for a diabetic of about 8 years. He told me my eyes were this way due to genetics. Hooray! One eye is worse than the other so I don't get my glasses till next week but when I get them be prepared for pictures. :)

My second appointment was the same day, my ultra sound. 
I was so excited cause I thought it was my growth scan. 
Turned out not to be the growth scan. I can't wait to prove these doctors wrong by the way.. With them thinking I'm a week or two behind that is. 
My growth scan is next week but I got some pretty cute pictures of him yawning and just being the little perfect boy he already is. 

The next appointment was the next day. This was a not so fun one. I originally was suppose to hang out with some friends but alas, no such luck, I got what a lot of women get so I'm just going to say it. A BEASTY....YEASTY. 
They gave me a pill and it knocked it right out. I'm so glad. Being a diabetic, we get those a lot anyway but seeing as how my sugars have been perfect it was highly unlikely for me to get one. So I got checked and I'm so glad I did. Cause that was not a comfortable experience to say the least. 

Well all. I hope you have a great day/night. I'm falling asleep. 
Finally :)

<3 Molly 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Soap making

 I have decided to get back into an old hobby that one, made me money and two gave me some more purpose than what I'm feeling. Don't start thinking I'm depressed but, I feel like a bump on a log. I am very pregnant and very tired but I can't expect my husband to be, to be the only one making any money here.
 We can't afford that.
I'm going to create a new site solely for the soap making and selling purpose. Time to get a move on I guess.

On a side note, just to vent this out... I know he doesn't mean to add more stress, but this was a terrible time to say he can't pay for everything. I'm stressed enough :( ugh. Vent over.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Can I just say this is probably my favorite scene?

3 Videos... What?!

So not like me I know..
But I was behind on two videos and really wanted to get that Diabetes Story out.
So the first video:
Yup sorry for the lateness! :)

My second video was of course.... Well its FRIDAY. What happens on Fridays lovlies?! 

And my third is the Diabetes story.. 

If you like any of these videos please thumbsup, favorite and subscribe!! :) <3 

And happy Fall Friday. 


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Friday is a promise :)

So sorry for not posting/videos recently I promise you will all get your videos by or on Friday :) very hectic week lovelies. <3

Friday, September 12, 2014

Work and respect.

Normally, I wouldn't post about things like this but I wanted to this time.
People I have had A LOT of jobs. 
It never ceases to amaze me how rude people will be when you tell them your leaving for new horizons. 
We all have reasons for change. 
And some reasons yes are better than others, but I think for the reason my husband is leaving his is a pretty good one. 
Him already having a son, and now with ours on the way I don't blame him for wanting more family time. When you work a job where weekends aren't off and trying to get them off is more of a hair pulling hassel than easy, you begin to look at other options.
As most of you know I previously worked for a school board. 
My entire family does as well so yes maybe I'm a bit biased towards it haha.
When working for the school board you don't only get vacation and sick days you get most of every vacation your child has off. 
That was the appeal to me. When I was growing up thats all it was. 
We had our vacations together and everything, I will treasure that time till the day I die.
So with that being said I wanted the same for my kids. 
He put a lot of hard work into the company he is leaving and for anyone that would be hard. But what makes it harder is when you give your reasons with it being completely family oriented, and for them to treat you in a not so nice manner after is unacceptable to me.
How can you be so cruel to someone you have known for such a long time, and know that this person wouldn't leave unless it was for the betterment of themselves and the company they are leaving? 
And most importantly the family he has created. 
As well as for his other job, the National Guard. It is easier for everyone and better all around. 
It shocks me that people who claim to love him personally as well as at work, would have such little understanding.
It angers me. 
He works so hard and he gets treated so disrespectfully. 
It truly breaks my heart. 
I would love some feedback on this. 
Do you have a bad work story? Experiences? Tips on making it easier? How you dealt with it, or what was done?


Would you look at that... I didn't forget this time :D

IIIIIIIiiiiiits Fall Fridayyyyyyyyyyy <3 hooray.